Which of the following is not a Cloud Service Provider?

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider?

A cloud services provider (CSP) is a company that provides cloud-based computing and storage services to businesses.

Popular Cloud services providers (CSPs) include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Apple iCloud.

Cloud services can be accessed from any device or location, which makes them popular for use in business settings.

What is a Cloud Service?

Table of Contents

Cloud service is a type of technology that allows users to access their data and applications from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.

It is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) that allows users to access and use applications, services, data, and other computing resources over the internet.

This type of service can save users time and money because it doesn’t require them to store their data on the company’s servers.

Cloud services can be accessed through a web browser, smartphone app, or computer application.

What is a Cloud Service provider?

Cloud service providers (CSPs) are companies that offer hosted cloud services to businesses and consumers.

CSPs offer a wide range of cloud services, including web hosting, storage, and application hosting.

Customers can access CSP’s services through a web browser or an app.

CSPs typically offer a subscription model in which customers pay a monthly fee for access to the service.

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider?

Is macOS a cloud service provider?

macOS is a computer operating system that is developed and marketed by Apple Inc.

However, macOS helps users access their personal files, applications and settings from anywhere with an internet connection.

This allows users to work on their projects anywhere without having to worry about transferring files or setting up a remote desktop environment.

Top 5 Cloud Service Providers & Companies in the World

According to a study published in March of this year, the top 5 cloud service providers are as follows.

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
2. Microsoft Azure
3. Google Cloud
4. IBM Bluemix
5. Oracle Cloud

These providers offer a wide variety of services including computing, storage, networking, and applications.

What are the different types of cloud services available?

Cloud services are systems that allow users to access applications and data remotely over the internet.

There are four different types of cloud offering services available. They are as follows.

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
3. Software as a Service (SaaS)
4. Functions as a Service (FaaS)

Examples of Cloud Computing & Cloud Storage Systems

Cloud storage refers to a digital platform that allows users to store data either on servers in the cloud or on their own devices.

Cloud storage is often more cost effective than traditional storage options and can be accessed from anywhere.

Examples of popular private cloud storage systems are iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

What is Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is a way to store data remotely, typically over the internet.

It gives users the ability to access their data from anywhere with an internet connection.

Files are stored on remote servers and can be accessed using computers, phones, and tablets.

Multi-Cloud Storage is often cheaper than local storage and can be more reliable since it’s not subject to the same hardware limitations as your computer.

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider?

(A)Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B)Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud(D) macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. as macOS is not a cloud service provider

Which of the following is not a cloud computing provider?

(A) Amazon AWS(B) Microsoft Azure
(C) IBM cloud services(D) Airbnb

Answer. (D)Airbnb. Airbnb is not a computing provider

Which of the following is not a CSP?

(A)Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B)Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud(D) macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not a CSP

Which of the following is not a cloud storage service?

(A)Google Drive(B)Dropbox
(C)SkyDrive(D)None of these

Answer. (D) none of these. Google drive, dropbox and SkyDrive are all cloud storage services.

Which of the following is an example of a personal software-as-a-service (saas)?

(A) Intuit Quicken(B) Amazon
(C) Google Drive(D) eBay

Answer. (C) Google Drive. Google Drive is an example of a personal Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

State True or false.

A Software program is a set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform tasks.

Answer. True. as a software program is a set of instructions used on a computer to help perform specific tasks

Which of the following applications is not included with Microsoft office?

(A) Word(B) Excel
(C) PowerPoint(D)OneNote
(E) OneDrive(F) Photoshop

Answer. (F) Photoshop. Photoshop applications is not included in Microsoft Office

Which of the following would not be a recommended place to back up computer files?

(A)Dropbox(B)Google Drive
(C)Microsoft OneDrive(D)Internal hard drive

Answer. D)Internal hard drive. An internal hard drive is not the recommended place to back up computer files

Which of the following is managed by the vendor in SAAS?

(A) Applications(B) Data
(C) Servers(D)Storage
(E) Networking(F) All of the above

Answer. (F) All of the above. Applications, Data, Servers, Storage and Networking are all managed services by the vendor in SAAS

Which of the following is true about cloud computing?

(A) Cloud computing is platform dependent(B) Cloud computing makes business applications mobile and collaborative
(C) Cloud computing provides access to applications over computer only(D)All of the above

Answer. (D) All of the above

Which of the following is a cloud service provider?

(A)Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B)Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud(D) macOS

Answer. (A) (B) and (C). Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud provide cloud service.

Which of the following is not a cloud storage provider?

(A)Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B)Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud(D) macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not a cloud storage provider

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider MCQ?

(A)Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B)Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud(D) macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not a cloud storage provider

Which of the following is not an example of a cloud storage provider?

(A) Amazon Cloud Drive(B) Apple iCloud
(D) macOS(C) Google Drive

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not an example of a cloud storage provider

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider macOS?

(A) macOS(B) IBM Cloud
(C) Google Cloud(D)Microsoft Azure

Answer. (A) macOS. macOS is not a cloud service provider macOS

Which of the following is a cloud service provider Quizlet?

(A) Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B) Google Cloud
(C) IBM Cloud(D)Intel

Answer. (A) (B) and (C). Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and IBM Cloud are cloud service provider Quizlet

Which of the following is not a cloud service provider Quizlet?

(A) IBM(B) Google Cloud
(C) Microsoft Azure(D)macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not a cloud service provider Quizlet

What is not a cloud service provider?

(A) Rackspace Cloud(B) Salesforce
(C) Microsoft Azure(D)Intel

Answer. (D) Intel. Intel is not a cloud service provider

Which one is not the Cloud-based services?

(A) IBM Cloud(B) Google Cloud
(C) Amazon Web Services (AWS)(D)Intel

Answer. (D) Intel. Intel is not one of the given Cloud-based services

Which of the following is not a cloud storage service Quizlet?

(A) SOS Online Backup(B) Western Digital
(C) My Cloud(D)Intel

Answer. (D) Intel. Intel is not a cloud storage service Quizlet

Which of the following is not managed Cloud Storage providers?

(A) IBackup(B)Amazon Cloud Drive
(C)Google Drive(D)macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not a managed cloud storage provider

Which of the following is a cloud computing service provider?

(A) IBM Cloud(B) Salesforce
(C) Rackspace(D)Intel

Answer. (A),(B) and (C). IBM Cloud, Salesforce and Rackspace are cloud computing service provider

Which of the following is not a cloud computing service provider?

(A) Amazon Web Service (AWS)(B) Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud Platform(D)macOS

Answer. (D) macOS. macOS is not a cloud computing service provider

Which of the following is not a cloud computing service provider select one.

(A) Oracle Cloud(B) IBM Cloud
(C) Amazon Web Service (AWS)(D)Intel

Answer. (D)Intel. Intel is not a cloud computing service provider.

Which of the following is false about cloud computing?

(A) Cloud computing requires internet access(B) Cloud computing provides access to software, storage services and data to its users
(C) Cloud computing allows users only to use applications that are on their computers(D) Cloud computing technology uses the Internet and remote servers to maintain

Answer. (C) Cloud computing allows users only to use applications that are in their computers

Which of the following is not a public cloud service provider (CSP)?

(A) Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B) Rackspace
(C) Salesforce(D) Intel

Answer. (D)Intel. Intel is not a public cloud service provider (CSP)

Which of the following is not a cloud storage provider that places a folder on your computer?

(A) CloudDrive(B) Amazon Cloud Drive
(C) Dropbox(D) Microsoft OneDrive

Answer. (A) CloudDrive. Cloud Drive is not a cloud storage provider that places a folder on your computer

Which of the following is not a common feature or service offered by cloud services providers?

(A)Architecture as a service(B)Infrastructure as a service
(C)Platform as a service(D)Software as a service

Answer. (A) Architecture as a service. Architecture as a service is not a common feature or service offered by cloud services providers.

Which one of the following is not a big and famous service provider of cloud computing?

(A)Egnyte(B)Amazon Web Service (AWS)
(C) Microsoft Azure(D) Google Cloud Platform

Answer. (A) Egnyte. Egnyte following is not a big and famous service provider of cloud computing

Which of the following systems does not provide storage to most users?

(A) PaaS (Platform as a service)(B) IaaS (Infrastructure as a service)
(C) CaaS (Content as a service)(D) SaaS (Software as a service)

Answer. (B) IaaS. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) system does not provide storage to most users

Select one from below which is not a storage option.

(A)Hard disc(B)Hybrid Flash Arrays
(C)Hybrid Cloud Storage(D)Cloud Storage

Answer. (A)Hard disc. A hard disc is not a storage option

Which is not an advantage of using a cloud storage service Quizlet?

(A)Privacy your data is no longer on your physical storage(B)Cloud Storage helps to access data from anywhere
(C)Cloud Storage backup solution helps to recover data(D)Cloud Storage add an additional layer of security

Answer. (A) . Privacy is not an advantage of using a cloud storage service Quizlet

Which of the following is not a CSP network infrastructure?

(A) Amazon Web Services (AWS)(B) Microsoft Azure
(C) Google Cloud(D)Intel

Answer. (D) Intel. Intel is not a CSP network infrastructure

What is a Cloud services example?

Cloud services are a type of software that allows users to access applications and data from anywhere, using a remote computer or a mac mini.

They are also known as internet-based applications or IBA, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as accessing e-mail, working on documents, and using online resources.

Cloud services are often more cost-effective and convenient than traditional software since they do not require users to install the programs on their own computers.

Further, a virtual machine is the virtualization of a computer system.

What is Google’s cloud service called?

Google’s cloud service is called Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

It provides a platform for companies to store their data online, make it available to employees anywhere, and access it from any device.

Cloud Platform helps companies save money by not having to buy separate software to store their data, manage their IT infrastructure, and deploy applications.

How many cloud providers are there?

There are many cloud providers available today.

A rough estimate says that there are more than 300 vendors or cloud providers and 500 cloud platform services available.

These providers offer services that allow individuals and businesses to access and use a variety of online applications, files, and data from anywhere in the world.

Cloud computing is a growing trend, as more people move their work tasks and data to the internet.

This allows them to use technology to access these resources from anywhere they have an internet connection.

How many AWS services are there?

AWS offers over 200 fully featured cloud-based services that make it easier for organizations of all sizes to build, deploy, and manage applications.

AWS is a web services platform provided by Amazon.com, Inc.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) enables users to create, operate, and manage a global infrastructure of interconnected services.

AWS provides a broad range of computing, storage, networking, application, and analytics services.

The platform includes an extensive collection of software tools and developer APIs that allow developers to build custom applications on top of AWS.

Which is the best cloud service provider?

According to industry sources, the most popular cloud service providers include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Each of these providers offers a variety of features and capabilities, making them well-suited for a variety of different businesses and applications.

Which is the best cloud storage?

Cloud storage is a service that provides users with access to digital files, applications, and other resources over the Internet.

Depending on the provider and the type of cloud storage, users can access their data from anywhere.

Some of the best-known cloud storage services include Amazon S3, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure Blob and Rackspace Cloud Files.

What is Amazon AWS used for?

AWS Amazon Web Services provides a comprehensive, scalable platform for hosting your applications.

AWS allows you to quickly create and deploy web applications on a reliable infrastructure.

Amazon AWS is frequently used by large corporations and government agencies because of its scalability, reliability, and affordability.

What is VMware Cloud on AWS?

VMware Cloud on AWS refers to the ability of VMware to run its virtual machines (VMs) on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

In other words, customers can use VMware software to create and manage their virtual machines on AWS, just as they would with any other virtualization platform.

This can provide a cost-effective way for customers to get up and running with VMware solutions quickly, and it also gives them the flexibility to move their VMs between different clouds if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on Which of the following is not a cloud service provider?

Question. Who is the largest Cloud Service, provider?

Answer. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest cloud service provider in the world.
In addition to its massive size, AWS also has a wide range of services that make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.
With facilities in more than 40 countries and regions, AWS offers a wide variety of cloud services like Amazon EC2 that allow users to store data, run applications, and access digital resources from anywhere in the world.

Question. Is Google Drive a cloud service provider?

Answer. Google Drive is a free cloud-based storage service that allows users to store and share files with other Google users.
In addition, Google Drive offers features such as document viewing, editing, and collaboration tools.
As a cloud service provider, Google Drive relies on remote servers to store user data.
This means that if the server where your data is stored goes down, you can still access your files through the Google Drive website.

Question. Is Dropbox a Cloud Service provider?

Answer. Dropbox is an online storage solution provider. Dropbox has built its business by offering a free service that lets users store files online.
Dropbox offers a feature many people value – easy access to files from any device – it makes up for its lack of cloud-centric features.

Question. Is Salesforce a Cloud Service provider?

Answer. Salesforce is a cloud-based software company that provides a variety of tools and applications for sales teams.
It offers a platform that can be used to manage sales processes, including customer relationships, leads, and sales activity.
Salesforce also provides tools for managing customer relationships and tracking sales activity.

Question. Is AWS the largest Cloud provider?

Answer. According to industry sources, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the largest cloud service provider in the world.
AWS facilities in more than 40 countries and offers a wide variety of cloud services that allow users to store data, run applications, and access digital resources from anywhere in the world.

Question. Is Google Drive a Cloud storage?

Answer. Google Drive is a cloud-based storage service that provides users with access to a variety of tools to store and manage their files.
The service is available on both Android and iOS devices, as well as through the Google Chrome web browser.
Users can create folders and files, share files with others, and access their files from anywhere with an internet connection.

Question. Does Google have a cloud?

Answer. Google has a suite of products and services that it calls its “cloud.”
These products and services allow users to access Google’s data storage, computing, and networking resources from anywhere in the world.
The cloud also helps Google keep its services available even when there are outages or glitches on its own servers.

Question. Is VMware a cloud service provider?

Answer. VMware is a software company that provides cloud services.
Multiple cloud services allow users to access applications and data from anywhere.
By providing a platform for users to access applications, VMware creates a “cloud-based” environment.
This environment allows users to work from any device or location.

Question. What is Amazon AWS used for?

Answer. AWS Amazon Web Services provides a comprehensive, scalable platform for hosting web applications.
AWS allows you to quickly create and deploy web applications on a reliable infrastructure.

Question. What is VMware Cloud on AWS?

Answer. VMware Cloud on AWS refers to the ability of VMware to run its virtual machines (VMs) on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
In other words, customers can use VMware software to create and manage their virtual machines on AWS, just as they would with any other virtualization platform.

Question. Which is the best cloud service, provider?

Answer. According to industry sources, the most popular cloud service providers include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Question. Which is the best cloud storage?

Answer. Some of the best-known cloud storage services include Amazon S3, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure Blob and Rackspace Cloud Files.


Which of the following is not a cloud service provider?

A cloud service provider is a company that offers a scalable and on-demand online platform for storing, accessing and using digital content.

They provide services such as email, document sharing, and storage for large files.

Cloud service providers offer various features and capabilities.

Cloud service providers offer cost-effective service and unique features that make them the perfect choice for specific needs.

The major cloud service providers include AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.


Which of the following is not a cloud service provider today?Which of this organization does not provide public cloud storage services?
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